The Orange Islands await Ash and the rest of the gang in these 36 episodes of the popular animated series. In them, Ash and Pikachu set off on a new adventure and, while they must leave behind some old friends, they meet a number of new ones on their travels through the Orange Islands. Of course, they also encounter some familiar foes as well as some new ones, as Ash’s quest to become the supreme Pokemon Master wouldn’t be complete without some contention from Team Rocket. This collection presents the complete first season of island adventures.
- UPC: 0782009243854
- Format: DVD
- Director: Masamitsu Hidaka
- Sub-Genre: Animation/Anime
- Film Country: Japan
- Release Date: 20150505
- Genre: Children’s
- Region Code: Region 1
- Number of Discs: 3
• Disc case is in good condition.
• 3 Discs have no scratches.
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