Set in a world where witches who abuse their considerable powers are becoming increasingly problematic, WITCH HUNTER ROBIN follows the group known as STN, a team of craft-users formed to combat these rogue witches. This group’s most powerful member, the Robin, is a woman who can command bursts of deadly flames. To survive the dark and dangerous world of witchcraft, STN will have to rely on Robin’s relatively untested facility with her powers. This box set collects all 26 episodes in the series.
- UPC: 0669198210051
- Format: DVD
- Director: Shukou Murase
- Rating: NR
- Genre: Action/Adventure
- Film Country: Japan
- Release Date: 20041026
- Display Format: 6-Disc Set
- Region Code: Region 1
- Number of Discs: 6
- Edition: 6-Disc Set
• Box has a sign of wear.
• Disc case is in good condition.
• 6 discs are all in good condition.
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